87th Oscars Red Carpet Looks!

I fell off the blogging train a little last week, apologies  but I'm back today with a bonus post showing my favourite red carpet looks from last night's Oscars! I was actually a little disappointed in the Oscars this year, the red carpet coverage in the UK wasn't that great and I felt it was bit better at the Globes and the SAG Awards. There wasn't much time spent of that actual red carpet and it was more about discussing the fashion. The ceremony also started very late and was only televised if you paid for Sky Movies! Never mind though, it was enjoyable never the less! There was some stunning dresses on the red carpet this year, here are my favourites:

Rosamund Pike in Givenchy 

Anna Kendrick in Thakoon

Dakota Johnson in Saint Laurent

Zoe Saldana in Versace

Laura Dern in Alberta Ferretti

Reese Witherspoon in Tom Ford

I think Rosamund Pike was my favourite this year as the texture of her dress was stunning and the red was also very striking. It was definitely her best look of the season in my opinion!

I also lived blogged the Oscars Red Carpet last night on my Instagram @thelittleblogofeverything if you want to check out my thoughts on each one! What were your favourite looks at the Oscars this year?

The Pretty Little Liars Tag!

This might just be the coolest tag post ever. Thanks to A Yellow Brick Blog who started this! 

1) Alison made her return to rosewood in her statement red coat. What is your wardrobe statement piece?
I was given a new wool winter coat as  a Christmas present last year and I kid you not, I receive at least one compliment on it every time I'm out and about! It's a greyish colour with big dark flowers on it. It's also very oversized with three big buttons. It was actually from Primark but you would have no idea as it looks so nice on. I really liked it when I got it but I found it a little bigger than what I'm used to with coats. After trying it out, I love it so much and it makes every outfit look so much nicer!

2) If you could raid anyone's wardrobe who's would it be?
I was going to say Spencer as my answer to this question but I think if I was to raid her wardrobe I would find clothes similar to my own! I love Spencer's style as I like her jumpers and polo shirts which I wear often myself. I like the casual preppy style of Spencer's wardrobe. I think I'd raid Hanna's wardrobe though as she always looks so fashionable but still casual. Hanna's probably as stylish as I would dream to be haha! 

3) Which cast member would you go to if you had a problem?
This is a tough one! I would probably say Emily as I feel like the others girls aren't so level headed and generally as calm as her. Emily seems like she would be understanding and quite caring. I would say that Emily was actually my least favourite liar but definitely the kindest one.

4)  Which character's personality do you think you most relate to? 
I would say Hanna as I get quite uptight sometimes haha. I also don't have a lot of patience at times and I feel Hanna is the first one to react when there is a problem.

5) Which of the character's makeup would you most like to wear? 
Hanna's for sure! Her makeup always looks so effortless. 

6) Which of the cast would you feel safest with when stuck in an A situation?
Definitely Spencer as she always has  a plan and is one step ahead of everyone else. I think she would think the situation through sensibly and make sure that everyone was kept safe. I do think Spencer gets carried away with her little schemes but she would be the most rational in a sudden A situation. 

I hope you enjoyed this post. If you do this tag on your blog, send me the link as I'd love to read your answers!

Fifty Shades of Thoughts!

Even though Im posting this on Sunday, I'm writing this post on Friday night as I've not long got home after watching Fifty Shades of Grey! The film was actually pretty good and was nowhere near as bad as the reviews it is receiving! I was really looking forward to seeing it and in all honestly, it was much better than I expected. I haven't read the book since it first came out so I couldn't remember most of the finer details so I wasn't really disappointed if certain scenes weren't included because I couldn't remember them!

Dakota Johnson and Jamie Dornan were very satisfying leads in my opinion. I think I preferred Jamie as Paul Spector in The Fall but his charm and charisma made a good Christian Grey. I was especially impressed with Dakota's portrayal of Anastasia Steele as I was a bit unsure when she was cast. I feel a little bad for doubting her as she was perfectly awkward and naive like the book version of Ana. She was actually very funny and had quite a few good one liners. I especially liked when she drunk dialled Christian towards the start of the movie. The film was actually pretty funny in general which was a surprise and it made it quite light hearted. Not every joke made was funny though and there was a few that made me cringe a bit.

In terms of the supporting cast, Eloise Mumford was amazing as Ana's best friend Kate Kavanagh. I pictured Kate as Blake Lively when I read the books but Eloise was perfect casting in my opinion. She captured Kate just like how I thought she would be. I was pretty disappointed with Elliot if I'm totally honest as I pictured him completely differently but Luke Grimes was good though. Rita Ora's appearance was also very underwhelming, you probably will have heard that she only had about 3-4 lines! Mia was a great character in the books as well.

There was many scenes that I liked in the film but I particularly loved how the email aspect from the books was included as I would say that was one of my favourite parts of the novels. I also loved how Christian and Ana actually text each other, I always thought the constant emailing for general conversation was a little outdated!

The cinematography was probably one of the best parts of the film for me as there were many beautiful shots. I particularly loved the scene where Ana and Christian discuss the contract. That was not only witty but incredibly well shot across the long dining table. Christian's apartment also looked amazing and so close to how I imagined (I always thought it was kind of looked like Iron Man's...).

Asides from casting, there were a few other issues for me. The film started off very rom-commy which I really liked as it was refreshing compared to the book. I felt though that during the second half or so of the film I started to get a little bored. The beginning was very fast paced and compelling as it established Ana and Christian's relationship but I felt it got a bit repetitive towards the end.

I also noticed that when Kate was using her Macbook to Google images of Christian, the Apple wasn't lit up so it wasn't even  turned on! I found this even more noticeable when she passed the laptop to Ana to look at one of the images and you could ever so slightly see the black screen. Later on in the film, Ana's Macbook light was off too and she was typing on hers!  Christian's Macbook however was lit up when he was using it so it wasn't completely all bad. I couldn't believe no one noticed something that was so obvious to me.

Most importantly, I think most people were interested in how the books' many intimate scenes would be portrayed. In my opinion, they as tasteful as they possibly could of been and they were not too much. I wouldn't say it was any more graphic than what you currently see on TV but I will let you make your own opinions on that one!

Did you see go see Fifty Shades of Grey this weekend? If so, what did you think of it? I would love to hear from you in the comments or on social media! 

Fashion Haul!

For today's post, I thought I'd share a few clothing items I've picked up over the past week! I had no intentions in purchasing any of these things but that's the way it goes sometimes when you are shopping! I also got the Kardashian t-shirt from Primark which I had wanted for ages! I actually got the last one in the shop in an extremely small size so it was a miracle that it actually fitted. I couldn't take a picture as I realised I had already put in in the wash but it has all the girls names on it.

I am so excited about this purchase!! I actually picked this up in TK Maxx for an expensive yet cheap price for Ralph Lauren at £40. I really don't mind spending extra money on clothes when I'm getting something of really good quality! The thing about TK Maxx is you need to have tonnes of patience to rake through the mix matched rails but when you do, it definitely pays off! I haven't wore this yet but I plan on wearing it tomorrow.

Another TK Maxx find! This was much cheaper than the jumper at £25 so this was an even better find. I have wanted a Ralph Lauren polo shirt for a long time so I was really excited to find this on the rail. If I was to choose a colour, I probably wouldn't of chose black but when you find bargains, I suppose you can't be too fussy!

I picked this top up from Primark last week for £6 and was drawn to it's turned down collar (which you can't really see here). I just thought it was something a bit different and I love the classic stripe pattern as you can see from my next purchase below.

My last find was picked up in the Matalan sale! Not a shop I usually go into but for £3 I can't complain for such a nice basic top. This will be perfect for the spring time I think.

I hope you enjoyed this post, I will be back on Sunday with a review on Fifty Shades of Grey as I'm seeing it this weekend!

Thoughts of Season 2 of The Fall

I finally managed to watch season 2 of The Fall and oh my god, it was so good!! It had a very slow start in comparison to season 1 I thought but it picked up very quickly in the second half of the season. I'm actually a little gutted that I have finished watching all the episodes as it was such a good series to watch.

Season 2 picks up pretty much from where the first season left off with the net beginning to close in on Paul Spector as his identity as the killer was discovered. Like always, I don't want to say too much about the plot as it would really spoil the season as it is so intense watching the episodes close together.

Highlights of the season for me were Paul's witty remarks, he was hilarious this season! I particularly liked his comment about the music when he was on hold. I also loved the moment between him and his daughter, that was incredibly sweet. Despite his major flaws, I find Paul a likeable character and didn't hate him at all whilst watching the show. Katie on the other hand, I found incredibly annoying and stupid haha. She was so obsessed with Paul that it made me cringe on more than one occasion.

I found a few points of the series a little silly though which I couldn't understand why characters were doing these things. It wasn't major and didn't ruin the show for me. After that massive cliffhanger of a season finale, I do hope that it returns for a third season as it's such a great show. I would highly  recommend it to anyone who is looking for a something new to watch. Jamie Dornan is fantastic in this role and I can't wait to see his portrayal of Christian Grey. He looks ten times hotter with a beard in The Fall too!

Have you seen The Fall and what did you think of it?

My Favourite Looks from the BAFTAs and the Grammys!

When I did my posts for the Emmys, the Golden Globes and the SAG Awards I loved so many of the dresses that I struggled to select a small number of my blog! The EE BAFTAs and the Grammys both took place last night and in all honestly, I liked very few of the looks. The fashion seen at the Grammys this year was just a little too out there for me. Here are the looks that I liked:

Miley Cyrus

Taylor Swift

Dianna Agron

Keira Knightley

Reese Witherspoon

Rosamund Pike

Did you have any favourite looks from either of the ceremonies?

Tanya Burr's Triple Chocolate Cookies!

On Tuesday I baked some Triple Chocolate Cookies from Tanya Burr's new book Love Tanya! If you saw my guest post with Scot Blogger here, I included this book in my favourite things in January. I couldn't wait to try out some of the recipes as they look amazing. I'm more of a cake decorator than a baker by far so I was extremely pleased with myself that they turned out good! They taste amazing too. Here are some snaps I took as I was baking:

Baking Ingredients

Gotta have some tunes! One of my favourites right now.

Cookie Dough

My baking trays are quite small so I put 4 or 5 cookies on a tray to be avoid them merging

First batch out of the oven!

Baking is complete and most importantly a success!

Have you got a copy of Love Tanya? If so I highly recommend trying these out! They are extremely chocolatey but still very tasty. I'll be back again on Sunday with a new post which will probably be a review on season 2 of The Fall as I'm currently half way through the last episode! So. Good.

Guest Post With Scot Bloggers!

I was asked last week to do a guest post with Scot Bloggers which I am so excited about! I spent a long time thinking over what I wanted to write about for my guest post as I felt it had to be something I was 100% happy with as it was a great opportunity after all!  Instead of doing a favourites post on here, I have shared my '5 Favourites' for the month of January on the Scot Bloggers blog. I am so happy with the finished post, I've only been blogging for 5 months so it feels like such an accomplishment! I would like to thank Scot Bloggers once again for this opportunity, I loved compiling the post :)

My post went live on Scot Bloggers this evening, you can find it here.  I would love to hear what you think of it, feel free to contact me in the comments section here or on my social media accounts which you can find in the sidebar to the right! You can also find me on Bloglovin here.

I will be back tomorrow for my regular Thursday post where I will be sharing my baking success from a recipe in Tanya Burr's new book, Love Tanya. Hope you enjoy the rest of your day wherever you are.

The Netflix Tag!

I saw this tag when I was browsing on Bloglovin and it is literally perfect for me. Netflix is probably the best (and worst) thing to come into my life ha!

1. What are you favourite series' to watch on Netflix?
Orange Is The New Black for sure! If you've read my blog before, you will know that I'm a massive fan of the show. It truly was one of my best ever television finds because I literally love it so much ha! Netflix also introduced me to Modern Family (before it was removed) which has also been a big favourite of mine over the past year. A third thing I like to watch on Netflix is Pretty Little Liars. I had seen all the episodes when they first added it but they now upload the new episodes literally less than a day after the US. It's so damn good!

2. What are you currently watching on Netflix?
Nothing actually! I have just finished up watching season 2 of House of Cards about a year later than everyone else. I occasionally watch random OITNB episodes though. 

3. If you could have any series, old or new put on Netflix, what would it be? 
I would like to see some older shows like Sabrina The Teenage Witch, Saved By The Bell, That 70's Show that kind of thing. I do have most of these on DVD but Netflix is so much more convenient! 

4. What is your one peeve about Netflix?
That the US content is far better than what we get in the UK. 

5. What are your essentials for a perfect night in with Netflix?
Some good snacks and a nice fluffy blanket!

6. Recommend one series or film for someone else.
Orange Is The New Black as I think you need to watch a Netflix original if you haven't already seen one!

I hope you enjoyed this post. If you have done the tag on your blog, please share the link with me in the comments! I would love to read your answers. I'll be back with another post on Thursday but tomorrow I have a special guest post on the Scot Bloggers blog! I'm so excited about this and would love to hear your feedback when it goes live. I'll share the link once it becomes available!

Some thoughts on Benefit's Roller Lash!

I am a magazine buying queen so as soon as I heard that Benefit were giving away their latest product with Elle magazine, I knew it was a must buy! Benefit's new Roller Lash mascara is not even released until March so this was an exciting product to try.

I have a few Benefit mascaras that I don't really use often as I'm very loyal to Maybelline's Falsies for my everyday makeup. Bad Gal Lash also makes my eyes water really bad so I tend to not use it all. My first impressions on Roller  Lash were good, it was definitely easy to apply and it did curl my lashes like it said! I applied it earlier on in the day and I would say that I was somewhat impressed but honestly not overwhelmed. Now looking back at the photos, I am definitely more impressed at how big my lashes look! I also really like the packaging, I think it's really cute but quite chic at the same time. The photo card was also a big hit with me, I think that's such a good novelty idea!

I believe it will be £19.50 when it's released. I'm not sure if I would purchase the full size version but I may treat myself when the sample runs out. It is definitely my favourite Benefit mascara I've tried so far so that would encourage me to buy the full size version a little more!

I would definitely recommend picking a copy of Elle up as it's a brilliant buy at £4. Have you tried the new Roller Lash mascara? What did you think of it?