Entertainment | Beauty and the Beast Review

As much I as I was looking forward to this film, I wondered if due to the massive hype surrounding it, it just wouldn’t be that great. I was pleased to be proven very wrong as this film is so, so good!

Beauty and the Beast is a live action adaptation of the classic animated Disney tale. It follows the 1991 version pretty closely with some scenes directly mirroring the original (but you might not notice that if you don’t like Beauty and the Beast as much as me).

Emma Watson stars as Belle and even though she is pretty typecast as Hermione Granger, she portrays the character well. Considering that the Beast was mainly CGI, he didn’t look out of place in a live action film and even the talking furniture looked reasonably realistic. However, Luke Evans was the absolute highlight as Gaston. He captured the character perfectly with the right balance of both sheer arrogance and charm.

Some points of this film are truly magical with the Be Our Guest number being a particularly memorable moment. All the classic songs are featured in this new film with the addition of a few new ones which are actually rather good too.

Whether this story is one of your animated favourites or you don’t know the first thing about it, it is definitely enjoyable for all and one worth catching in the cinema (if you haven't already!)

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