11 Things You Didn't Know About Me | Blogger Tag

For today's post I'm back with a Blogger Tag! I'd like to thank Hannah over at Granite City Girl for tagging me as these are so fun to answer. I hope these 11 answers let you find out a little bit more about me!

1. Who is your blogging inspiration?

Fleur De Force as my first look into this whole corner of the internet was her 'Whats In My Handbag' video. I enjoyed it so much that it has kinda spanned my interest in blogging and really encouraged me to pursue starting my own. I think she has such a genuine personality online and I love her content. 

2. What are your hobbies other than blogging?

I don't have hobbies as such but I like going to Yoga and Pilates classes if I can make it. I also really enjoy shopping and going to the cinema. I love going out for food too if that could be considered a hobby? #foodie

3. Dead or alive who would you love to have dinner with?

Blake Lively so I can ask all her fashion and beauty tips to understand why she is so flawless.

4. What is your favourite childhood memory?

This is such a hard one to answer as I could not pick one specific memory as such so I thought I'd share a few of my more memorable ones. My sister was born when I was 7 and I remember going down town with my Granny to get a present to take to her. I picked a cuddly toy Lamb out of the Easter section as she was born in April and I was so chuffed with it. I loved going on car road trips with my best friend as we'd sit in the back seat playing Pokemon Yellow on our Gameboys. She was an extremely cool kid as she had the CABLE that connected our Gameboys together so we could battle each other! Another not so pleasant memory, my same best friend encouraged me to touch a cactus in B & Q and I cried all the way home... We always talk about this one with our Mum's and they always make fun of me. 

5. Where is your favourite place to shop?

I just love shopping and have many favourites haha but a recent one has been TK Maxx. My Dad and I (although we haven't been in a while) will park the car and spend the whole free two hours just browsing round there. It is unreal the bargains and unusual items you can find if you simply have the patience to look.

6. Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?

I hope I've achieved finding my dream job in becoming a magazine journalist and have a nice house! I seriously cannot wait to decorate it already.

7. What is your favourite drink at Starbucks / Costa?

A Mocha Frappuccino with Coconut syrup when I can actually find a Starbucks that offers that.

8. If you could only have one make up product what would it be?

Foundation as I could at least cover my face when I wanted to! It would have to be in the correct shade though otherwise it would just be an absolutely useless choice.

9. Would you rather have bushy brows or unruly underarms?

Definitely bushy brows. I don't have much patience for plucking as my pain threshold isn't the best and I always get fed up after one brow haha. So bigger eyebrows don't phase me that much in between waxing! 

10. What is your favourite film?

It has to be a toss up between Mean Girls and Legally Blonde. I think Mean Girls is such a classic and it will be forever quotable for all moments in life. Legally Blonde though is just such a fantastic chick flick and really started my appreciation/love of Reese Witherspoon's acting. 

11. What is your 'party trick'?

I don't really have one! When I was younger and not so tall, I used to be able to cross my legs and tuck them in. I could walk like that on knees which was kinda weird I guess! Actually saying that, I can bend back my two big toes back and sit like that quite happily. Now y'all just gonna think I'm an oddball  haha!

The rules of the blogger tag are simple, as always tag the blogger who selected you for this tag and answer the questions at the bottom, keep the love going by tagging more bloggers in your post and ask your own 11 questions. I would like to tag Amanda from Love and Other Awesome Stuff, Lynsey at  Allsorts and Anecdotes, Stef at Scottish Stef's Nails and Charlotte at Twenty Something XO! Looking forward to reading your answers to these questions:

1. What is your favourite school memory?
2. Describe your dream home and its location?
3. Is there a toy that you really wished for as a child and never ended up getting?
4. Who is your favourite couple from any TV show you have watched?
5. What is the best bargain you have ever found?
6. If you could take over any celebrity's life, who would it be?
7.What is your typical order from McDonalds?
8. What is the best holiday you have ever been on?
9. What is your favourite quote from a film or TV series?
10. Sweet or Salt popcorn?
11. What was/is your first job?


  1. I've just found your blog and I love it! The way you write just draws people in! I look forward to reading more posts!
    -Cait xx

  2. Thank you Caitlyn for such a lovely comment, so sweet of you! Glad to hear you'd like to read more as this was more of a casual post haha! Xx
